Critical Convo is a groundbreaking Tech startup, on a mission to foster healthier, more sustainable sales cultures in the workplace. Their innovative Ai-powered product, alex, supports sales professionals by facilitating conversations around industry-wide transformation and revenue growth. Our challenge was to create a brand that would make alex feel personal, empowering and approachable – humanising revenue intelligence exactly as it was created to do.
As we delved deeper into what makes alex tick, we drew parallels with an orchestra conductor: always on hand to offer support, mentorship and empower professionals individually through communication. We just had to figure out what that looked like as a logo.
We landed on a clever dual appearance. The letter “a”, for alex, helps us to humanise an Ai-powered product, while the speech bubble represents alex’s role in facilitating critical, transformative conversations.
The visual language is fluid and smooth, not unlike alex’s interactions, and the colour palette is fresh, using soft-tech colours to bring the brand’s cutting-edge technology back down to earth – as well as complementing its sister brands.